
Celebrating Women’s History Month & Honoring Female Caregivers

March 2, 2023

Beyoncé said it best… “Who run the world? Girls!” More specifically, women keep their families, their communities, and our society going strong. Since March is Women’s History Month, a time for commemorating and celebrating the vital role women play in American history and current society, we’re taking a deeper look at the role women play as caregivers. 

With all of the advancements that women have made in the last one hundred plus years, women are still often the primary caregivers. Even as women are bursting through the glass ceilings in the corporate world, it comes as no surprise that they’re still often the go-to caregivers at home – carrying the physical and mental load of running their households, organizing care and activities for children, and generally “keeping all the balls in the air.” 

In fact, it’s estimated that 62% of women provide 20 hours or more of unpaid care per week compared to 38% of men. And when our children need care AND our parents need care, women’s plates can get a little too full. If you’re in this position, we have some simple yet smart solutions to help lighten your load. 

Ask for Help 

You are not alone; many resources are available. If juggling it all is becoming too much, there is no shame in asking for help. Specifically, if you are struggling with caring for aging parents  or loved ones, you are just one click away from some assistance. Speak to an advisor, find a community, book a tour, or download a brochure about assisted living options. There’s no pressure, no fuss – and no downside to gathering information. 

Take Time for You

Yes, we’re talking about self-care. Not the face-masks and massages self-care (unless that’s your thing) but literally making time for your health and your sanity. Making sure you schedule time for exercise, fresh air, and rest. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you are making time to fill yours up. 

Find Your People

Sometimes we don’t need “solutions” but we just need to be heard. If you don’t have a local caregiver support group in your area, there’s always Facebook. There are countless Moms Groups and Caregivers of Elderly Parents Groups that you can join to ask questions, share resources, and express feelings/concerns with people who are living the same reality. 

Give Yourself Grace

You’re taking on a LOT. It can all be overwhelming, but you have to remember that you are a pillar of strength. You’re basically a rock star – so much so that Beyoncé wrote a song about you. So play that tune, and give yourself the grace to be human! 

And… A Tribute 

We would be remiss if we didn’t take a few moments to honor and celebrate all of the dedicated, loving female associates at LCB Senior Living communities. Our associates create the incredibly warm, caring environment that we are so proud of at each and every LCB community. Many of our associates have families at home that demand lots of time and attention, yet they bring their gifts of loving care, loyalty, and patience to our seniors. We see you, we appreciate you, and we thank you!