Everyday Gourmet
Dining: an enduring passion
Food is a tradition. Sharing food with friends and loved ones, learning how to make something new, or even simply eating well is so immensely important. And at the core of all this is the knowledge that good, wholesome food is essential to a good, healthy life. These have been our guiding principles in developing our culinary program.
Our chefs hail from some of the nation’s finest restaurants and have created extensive menus and daily specials featuring fresh, local ingredients, creativity, and a love for cooking that makes our culinary program one of the most successful in the industry. In addition to being delicious, our recipes promote good brain health and physical well-being. We are constantly refining and evolving our menus to make the dining experience interesting, dynamic, and, most of all, satisfying.
Our restaurants are open from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M., which allows residents to order anything from our breakfast, lunch, or dinner menu, anytime throughout the day, on their schedule.
Variety Is The Spice Of Life!
See a sample of our menu by clicking below. Please note that different communities have slightly different offerings. Visit your community’s page to see their menu.
Ready for Your Mouth to Water?
Meet the Sterling Chefs
How proud are our chefs of their work? They independently created the @thesterlingchefs on Instagram to showcase the food that is actually being served in our communities. We think you’ll be as dazzled as we are by their creations! Click below to visit their page, or view some pictures of actual meals from our chefs below.
Our Local Partners
Each of our restaurants partner with farms and vendors from their communities to create fresh, locally-sourced options for our residents.
Savoring Your Way to Good Brain Health
Every detail of our dining program was carefully researched and modeled after the adage What’s good for the heart is good for the head. It’s well known that what we put in our bodies has a direct impact on our physical and cognitive health. Our chefs work with brain health experts to marry delicious recipes with ingredients known to aid in keeping our brains robust and our bodies strong. Their unique talents ensure that we never need to sacrifice delicious for healthy!
Bistros: A Center of Social Life
Most communities feature cozy bistros that are host to special luncheons, happy hours, parties, and other social gatherings. Join our chefs for cooking demonstrations, wine tastings, and good fun! In many ways, they’re among the most vibrant and popular social centers of our communities.
Brain Health and Memory Care
The Delicious Secrets of Maintaining Brain Health
Click to read article
Health and Wellness
Nutritional Needs for Seniors
Click to read article
Food For Thought
Learn more about our culinary program and the benefits of eating well as we age in our blog!
How can we help?
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